Durango Colorado
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Durango Colorado
. Churches
Durango Colorado: Churches
Below is a list of web sites for area churches and spiritual organizations.
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
(stmarksdurango.com) -
Serving the spiritual needs of Durango's Episcopal community.
The River Church
(www.iriverchurch.com) -
The river church is a member of the Foursquare denomination serving the Durango community.
Durango Christian Church
The Durango Christian Church serves the spiritual needs of the Animas Valley.
First Presbyterian Church
The First Presbyterian Church serves the spiritual needs of Durango.
Christ the King Lutheran Church
(www.ctkdurango.org) -
Christ The King serves the Lutheran community of Durango.
St. Columba Parish
Founded in 1881, the Saint Columba Church is the heart of the Saint Columba parrish in Durango.
First United Methodist Church
Access the First United Methodist Church in Durango.
St Paul's Lutheran Church
Established 1890, St Paul's Lutheran Church brings Christ centered worship to Durango.
Sacred Heart Parish Saratoga
Sacred Heart Parrish is located at 254 E 5th Ave in Durango.
Community of Christ
(Community Profile)
The Community of Christ, formerly RLDS, has a church at 2999 W. 2nd Avenue in Durango.
Young Life
(Community Profile)
Young Life is a ministry for students based in Colorado Springs with clubs in Durango.
SDA - Durango Hispanic Group
Community Profile
The Durango Hispanic Group is an SDA ministry at 1775 Florida Road in Durango.
Durango SDA
Community Profile
Durango SDA is a Seventh Day Adventist church located at 1775 Florida Road.
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